WhatsApp Calling feature now Available on Android, coming soon for iOS and WP users
If you've been sitting, wishing and waiting for your Android handset to let you make free data-based calls, then today's your lucky day. Andr…
If you've been sitting, wishing and waiting for your Android handset to let you make free data-based calls, then today's your lucky day. Andr…
Red Layered Hibiscus Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. It is quite large, containing several hundred species …
In the beginning it was all black and white. But now things are not always quite so simple. Some people like to say one thing and mean another. And m…
echo "Enter the range" read r a = 0 b = 1 c = 1 echo "Fibonacci series:\n" echo "$a $b \c" while [ $c - lt $r ]…
echo "Enter the Number of Terms" read n a = 0 b = 1 count = 1 n1 = `expr $n - 2` if [ $n - eq 1 ] then echo "The Fibonacci seri…
echo "Enter a number" read n f = 1 if [ $n - eq 0 ] then echo "Factorial is: 1" else while [ $n - ge 1 ] do f = `expr …
echo "Enter the Value of x" read x echo "Enter the Value of y" read y r = 1 while [ $y - gt 0 ] do r = `expr $x \* $r` y…
clear echo "Enter the String:\c" read str echo "Enter the character:\c" read ch n = 0 i = `expr "$str" : ".*&q…
clear ans = Y while [ "$ans" = "Y" ] do clear echo "*****MENU*****" echo "1.ADD" echo "2.SUBSTRA…
clear echo " Enter the Year: \c" read year echo " Enter the Month: \c" read month m = 0 case "$month" in 1 | jan …
echo "Enter pattern to be searched:\c" read pname echo "Enter file name :\c" read fname echo "Search for $pname from fi…
echo "Enter the Resource name" read fname if ( test -s $fname ) then ls -l $fname if ( test -d $fname ) then echo "It …